Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 10 Midterm

Week 10 Midterm

Q Activity: Every group will be a team of entrepreneurs who have just been given the opportunity to present a new game to a panel of investors. They will utilize the resources they have in their respective spaces to create a game/activity to enter the global market. The team will then present their game and their SWOT analysis to the online Investors to get them to invest. Since we are all under "stay in place" this the best time to come up with something that you all think can be a new activity for those who might go stir crazy. What I will need in a powerpoint/prezi is the following: • Team Name: • Team Members: • Product/Activity (P/A) Name: • P/A components (what supplies do you need to play, include options/alternatives) • P/A rules: Is this a one person thing or can you play with others in home online etc. • Who was the leader – how they were chosen? Many leaders or just one leader? • Ethics and Social Responsibility why or why not? • SWOT Analysis • Video component (due at a later date: 5/18 - Team Presentation Peer Review and Response): o What is your product/point of the game? o Show how it works • Peer Responses - to make sure this is a true class discussion I want everyone to provide feedback to one another on the P/A created, give actual feedback on what could be better what you would change include or even if you tried it and if you had to use alternative supplies/components. • Adjust and Resubmit: Teams will have additional time to make any adjustments they see fit in response to peers and instructor feedback Rubric Revised Midterm Activity Revised Midterm Activity Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBusiness Concepts - Entrepreneurship: Utilize the "assets" you have to create a product that you can bring into the market. - Ethics & Responsibility: How does this product contribute to ethics and responsibility? For example: is it creating waste? is everyone able to play? - Planning & Strategy: How did you allocate your time and resources? - Leadership: Who was the group leader if there was one, was there more, and how were they chosen? 50 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMarketing Video Component Presentation: How well were you able to communicate to others what your product was? How strong was your marketing strategy/pitch to the investors (peers) to get them to invest in your product? 75 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSWOT Analysis Did you dive deep into the strengths and weaknesses your product has, beyond the surface that is easily seen? Did you think outside the realm of where your product is directly competing and see where else it can strive and what other businesses/products can effect your success? i.e. if you created a board game, how will it compete against other mediums such as smart phone/tablet digital games? 75 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePeer response You will get individual points for responding to your peers' product/activity. What do you think worked and what didn't work? Provide suggestions on alternatives and if you practiced it on your own or with others what issues did you face? 50 pts Total Points: 250

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Activity: For our activity we want you guys to get a feeling or idea of what it means to be your own fashion model, or maybe even explore your own fashion self inside your own house. For this activity we want you to pick 4 different fashion websites & off of each website pick a season of clothing. Next, go into your wardrobe & pick those same 4 seasons of clothing from whatever designer & brand of your choice. Compare & contrast your wardrobe as closely as you can to the designer to see if the look matches your style. Doing this shows you that you have your own taste in fashion & it’s still fashionable in a public sense.